Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Hospital Birth Story,If you notice any of the following signs, head to the hospital immediately

If you notice any of the following signs, head to the hospital immediately:
  • The urge to push
  • You think your water broke
  • You have had a complicated pregnancy or a previous pregnancy with complications
  • You are having multiple births or your baby is under 37 weeks (preterm)
  • Your baby is breech (bottom first)
  • Your first labor was very rapid (two to three hours)
  • You are uncomfortable and having difficulty talking
  • Resting doesn’t slow contractions but walking makes them stronger
  • The contractions occur five minutes apart for at least an hour
  • The contractions increase and are regular
Additional reasons to go to the hospital include the following as it may be necessary to rule out a problem:
  • Dizziness or blurred vision
  • Unrelenting, unbearable pain
  • No movement from your baby
  • Vomiting that lasts a long time
  • Bleeding (which can indicate placenta praevia or the placenta separating prematurely)
  • The mucus plug or waters being tinged with yellow, dark brown, or green as this might indicate meconium which is the baby’s digestive fluid and eventually his first bowel movement, but its presence at this point increases the mother’s risk for infection.
  • Seizures
  • Intense pain in the abdomen or stomach
  • Swelling of your face or hands
If you are unsure of whether you should go to the hospital, call your doctor, midwife or nurse to describe your symptoms and they will give you the proper advice.

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